When I was little I use to watch all the old black and white horror movies with my dad. One of the movies that scared that baheebee jeebees out of me was "Them".
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Them! The idea of giant insects in the desert, terrifying, and eating humans was too much for me. After seeing this movie I immediateley stopped burning any ant hills with a magnifying glass...just incase. In this movie "Them" is defined, we know we are dealing with a huge nest of man eating, mindless, insects. I think that In real life, however, they are not so easily defined.
I have a slight obsession with the way words are used. I think when they are not used correctly misunderstandings arrise. Some of those misunderstanding cause quite a few problems; sometimes on a small level that is easy to explain/fix, but some times on a grander scale. One such word that I want to write about today is the word "they".
A couple of semesters ago I had a class, not going to define which one for a reason, bear with me. When ever the instructor wanted to reference a certain group of people he would say,"they." Now I knew who exactly whom he was talking about, but I also know that in every class there is a percentage of people who do, and, will not unless it is explained to them. This fact was backed up by the behavior, and words, some of the students were sharing during class. So, me being whom I am, during one of the classes, called my instructor out on the use of they. (I am not a mindless insect, and like to question life in general, along with them who are in it.) His reply was that I was taking it too personally. I responded with,"I dont feel that Im taking it personally. I just think, and feel, that if he was going to advocate, teach, and put himself out there, as an english teacher, that perhaps he should be a little more careful about how some words are used." I also said," If we were to over come some of the prejudices that are out there by talking with, and understanding, each other better then perhaps generalizations, such as "they" should be avoided."
Now this was a class where the instructor wanted us to speak out loud about what we thought, and felt; but unfortunetely it did not go over well. I paid close attention to speaking politely, and, being respectful, but I still sensed discomfort. I can also state that at the end of the semester I stated out loud that I would not participate in hate in any shape or form, if that perhaps helps you with what I felt, and percieved, was happeneing in this class. But what I really wanted to focus on is the word they and how they will use it so often to express what they think is happeneing with...them.
These deffinitions are very general for a reason. They are used to not define a specific person, or group of people. So in order to use them specifically a description should be attached to them.
Now I am not oblivious to the point that this particular instructor was perhaps trying to teach this all along. But I feel there is a danger in not, at some point, teaching this to...well...them. AND if it was not his intention to teach this then what exactly was he teaching to them?
I have heard many people share many differing opinions on them. They have stated either that persons should have a deffinition attached to them in order to allow for individulaity; OR that they should have no identity and they should all be the same. I have been questioned, and critisized for being too nuetral (being told that I subscribe to the melting pot hypothesis and that this was a form of pregudice.) To being told that not identifying everyone as jus a human is prejudice. Which one is right? Basically I think that if I have an opinion of any kind it is seen as wrong by them.
Here is The Pith of the Matter.
I think people will use the word they because they feel that by not doing so they will be making a distinction, and, or will be seen as discriminateing. But by sometimes not making a disctintion others may percieve them as lumping everyone into a certain catagory of distinction. THEN we all find ourselves in a postion that if we point this distinction out we are percieved as...them. So, basically, them, and they, feel like no one can say anything at all, and that is where the misunderstandings begin.
In the end I personally feel it is more important to speak with straight forward honesty. Because in the end it is not about them, or they, it is about you. You have to live with yourself at the end of each day. I personally have a hard time with sitting back and saying nothing to them. I am ok with taking the consequences, what ever they may be, and dealing with them. And that is really what its all about isnt it? Even if I ask a stupid question, ask something because I want some clarification, ask something because I dont know the answer, at least I have asked and will get some kind of answer. At the end of that day I am a better person for it because I asked for an answer to something that I didnt know. I also research thoroughly what I believe in firmly and, thank fully, have a circle of friends who will tell me like it is and who's opinion I trust. So when, and If, I have to speak up to them I am able to back it up with facts, wisdom and experience that I hope they will respect; more than that, that I will respect. I think they win when they keep us from talking. They count on us being like a swarm of mindless insects. So even though I may by percieved by some as they I will keep on asking, and talking about them.
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