This one is an absolute and complete rant but one that must be done. So with all blogs that I write that are only venting frustration, but frustration that needs to be explained in hopes that others will gain an understanding, I will try to make it short.
I have blogged much on communication and the importance of being able to share your thoughts, feelings and opinions. With that said I want to share something with the generation after me. I feel pretty confident here that I can pretty safely speak for just about everyone my age also. YES we talk about you ALLLL the time...sarcasm.
When we ask you questions concerning your life we are not prying.
When we ask you questions about yourself, and or the people in your life, its NOT because we distrust you!
When we reply to something you say it is more often then not NOT a critisism!
When we remind you of something it is because you have either asked us to remind you OR
a resonable amount of time has passed which makes us beleive that you have forgotten.
We use the same sense of humor that you use with us. Dont like it? Then dont use it yourself.
We are human. Not just your parents or those stupid old people with grey hair who are becoming forgetful.
We were young before you and just a reminder, in case you have forgotten, every day that you are alive you are also a day older.
When you become an adult and want an adult relationship with your parents then STOP acting like a child! Uncertain of how you are acting like a child? ASK! We are happy to share this with you.
STOP holding our mistakes over our heads! Unless of course you would like us to point out the others fingers that are pointing in your direction.
YOU are the ones now in the postion of being hypocritical! YES we were once, but most of us have learned...your turn.
You want respect then give it.
You still need to use your manners with us. Not because we are your parents but because IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!
If we do point something out may be it is because IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!
You dont have to take our advice. It is your life; but dont make us responsible if you make the wrong choice. Buck up, put on your adult pants or panties and be accountable!
Want something from us? You are no longer a child, EARN IT!
UH HELLO! We were married before you! In our case 30 years longer.
UH HELLO! We were also parents before you! AND while I am aware of how there are always advances in child development dont discount experience.
Pay your way by yourself.
Have to move home! PAY rent AND clean up after yourself! OR we will think you still need a mommy and daddy.
Need a mommy and daddy still? Then dont complain when we treat you like a child!
Dont like living at home? MOVE out and get your own!
Before we were parents we were people. We took on the life long commitment to be a parent but not a mommy or daddy!
We have all the same feelings that you do!
Finally! I will not respond to your disrespect to me, my life, my husband, my friends, my family, my choices, etc. etc. Dont be a hypocrit! Be fair. If you insist on thinking that it is mature behavior to use disrespectful behavior to me or any of the above then we will not be having a relationship with eacht other, and everything that that entails. You dont want a parent anymore, you want a mature relationship so I am respecting what you have asked of me.
I could give you the answers to all of the above but you know what? NOT!!! I feel pretty confident that if you know me I have at one time or another in your youth (whether you are related to me or not) shared something with you that would help you answer all of the above! Just a hint though. If you decide to throw a fit, and use more behavior you should start reading from the top again.
That is all. Perhaps tomorrow I will feel differently but for now I am using the People Suck Mantra.
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