A jug fills drop by drop.
-- Buddha
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.
-- Buddha
My annual season of giving message/blog. Short, sweet, and hopefully meaningful. It is mine and Joes wish list. Bet you thought we didn't want anything for Christmas huh!?! I'm Buddhist, he's traditional Catholic who believes that the birth of Christ should not be celebrated by giving each other stuff. Well you would be wrong there is something we want. SO please read on. ;)
As I have progressed through Buddhism some of the Christian holidays become confusing for me. But perhaps not for the reasons that seem so evident. I am for everyone have their own spirituality, whatever that means for, and to, them. I think its an important moral/value to have, and role model.
A belief in something gives us focus, and understanding when life in general appear to have no understanding. But here's my dilemma. Why does their have to be just one season of giving? And why when we give do we only give things that are considered attachments, things not necessary to the real meaning of life?
In Buddhism the idea of giving is never ending. This mind set encourages a life full of kindness, compassion, understanding, and love. When too much focus is put on the material things, attachments, in life we find ourselves becoming focused on things that are temporary, fleeting, and there for unfulfilling. The happiness is temporary. So many of us can't understand why, if we have everything, are we still unhappy? In the end all the material things that surround us will not make any difference. BUT how we treat each other will. In every spirituality we are defined by how we interact with each other, how selfless we are; not by having more stuff, and being selfish.
I think this concept is confusing for many people. No where in any spiritual reading does it say that you should give everything that you have, and/or need to live in order to make someone else's life more comfortable. That would be silly...you give them everything then you have nothing, so they have to give it back to you and it starts all over again. BUT if you give of yourself, you listen, your kind, you love, your compassionate, those are things that you never loose, that you have in abundance, can be shared again and again by everyone. No one looses anything, you can just give and give.
I actually like the idea of the season of giving, in Buddhism any amount of giving, compassion, and kindness you give is better than none. So perhaps for persons who are usually not very selfless the season of giving brings a little different perspective; encourages them to behave how they normally wouldn't. And who knows may be it will encourage more giving through out the year. What I find sad, however, is the amount of people out there who are very focused on what others can give to them. Many posts, and people saying that gee it would be nice if some one got me such and such. bleh... :P Its not the season of what can everyone give ME. ergh....
I think, and feel, and my hubby, thank the universe every day for putting him in my life, agrees with me. If we have to give at this time of the year then we will give more of our selves. We will share in good conversation, good thoughts, kindness, compassion and love. It will not only extend to family, and friends, but to strangers also. For even though their is much we don't have, and we struggle, it is still so much more than others. No one can gauge another's suffering, we can only help lessen it.
So, The Pith of the Matter is this; what I ask of everyone who feels a need to buy us something please don't. What we really want is for you to stop and help some one who normally you wouldn't. This is our wish list; help the elderly person with their grocery's, stop and help that person who's car has broke down on the side of the road, give some change to the guy standing on the corner, buy him lunch, help your neighbor, smile at everyone you meet even if they are not being kind to you, spend more time with your family, spend more time with your friends, make a new friend, better yet befriend some one who in the past you would have nothing to do with because...well...they smelled, or talked funny, or they didn't dress cool. If you do a good deed and some one wants to pay you for it say no and ask them to pay it forward. Let the season of giving truly reflect the idea of giving. Spread joy. This is mine and Joe's wish list. Then come to our annual season of giving eve get together; share your story of how you gave, and how it made you feel. You will have given Joe and I a gift the surpasses anything you could have bought us. The moment will be priceless and for ever remembered.
Thank you
Peace out
Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store. -Dr. Suess
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. -Charles Dickens
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