Another holiday season is upon us. I have mentioned, often, that the holidays have, evolved for us here in the Bungart Elder house. We use to look upon this time of year solely as a christian holiday; now it is the season of giving.
This year instead of giving to each other we all decided, elders, children and friends of family, to give to a family less fortunate then us. None of us are wealthy people; but we know how to live comfortably and happily with in our means. We all have jobs, homes, spouses, children, health, love and warmth surrounds us all. We are aware that some dont have this. We all gave to a single mother of five who's husband has passed away. My son and I dropped the two boxes of gifts, a large box of food and a 12 pound ham off to the church my husband attends. The social worker there nearly cried; especially when I told her we all wanted to stay completely anonomous.
I know I know, writing about it perhaps is looking for attention; but I want to use it for a couple of other reasons. One to stress the importance of what this season is really about. You know in my and my husbands effort to compromise our choosen spiritualitys during this holiday season we stumbled upon the true meaning of Christmas and I got caught up in the spirit of it too. While I strive all year round to be kind and giving these feelings are deffinetely in abundance now. I find myself humming Christmas songs and wish everyone a Happy Holidays while my husband looks at me smiling and says a bit louder MERRY CHRISTMAS! :) WOuldn't it be nice if we could have this feeling more than just once a year? I think I may have to work something up in this area...another blog to follow later.
Two-yes it is important to remember our loved ones during this time. Kids dont completely understand giving to others before you give to them, so we waited till our kids were all adults to make our giving choice. BUT now I truley wish that we had done more of this while the kids were younger. The learning opportunity, the teachable moment, is the feelings you give, and get, when you make total strangers smile and happy. Empathy is kinda in us at birth, but if someone does not help us develop it that feeling does not mature. People so often associate empathy with bad feelings; sorrow, anger, frustraion, etc. but empathy is not specific to those particular feelings. We can also learn how to feel joy, happiness, relief, tears of joy, by doing something absolutely wonderful and unexpected for someone also. Children learn more when they are praised; isnt giving, and the feelings attached to it, a form of praise children should learn? I think so.
Three...well, I admit, there is a way to celebrate being Buddhist and Christian all at the same time. The whole giving, loving kindness, compassionate, thing works. I think it is important that in the United States that we remember that while we are predominently a Christian nation there are others in the same nation, same state, same city, same neighborhood, same street, mabey even a neighbor, friend or family member who are not christian. The common demoniator is the season of giving! No matter what your spirituality almost every religion will give at this time of year. So how about we give a little more tolerance and understanding towards each other; even if you cant give from your pocket you can give from your heart.
Finally a shout out to my loved ones.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! To all my family and friends with out which my life, and the world as a whole would be less. I am a better person for having you all in my life. :) This also goes for school chums, teachers etc. Everyone I know enriches my life some how. Thank you! Happy Holidays and keep on giving! What you give of yourself is the best gift of all!
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