In the very early hours of the morning, when sleep escapes me, I find myself grieving.
For everything that was
And everything that could have been
I feel loss for
Parents gone before I was ready to say goodbye
Friendships never realized
Innocense lost
Bruises left
Lessons learned that I didn't want to learn
Haunted memories
Distant siblings
Years that I can't remember
Names I have chose to forget
Everything I couldn't fix
Things that I did and probably shoudnt have
Years with out a home
Money spent unwisely
Lost moments with my children
Lost love with my husband
Dreams of my youth
Then I breath deeply and remember
This is suffering
Something that we all share
I am not alone
This is the path we must all walk
What did I learn
I am strong
I can over come
I can teach
I don't hold onto materialistic things
Less is more
I surround myself with people who are authentic
Life is simple
I love
I am compassionate
I learn
I suffer
I am human
I will sleep
My dreams now are sweet
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