Thursday, June 14, 2012

Evil In The Best of Us

We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

           AHA!!  No more struggling to try and find something to blog about!  Found it!  Another type of humanoid!  Let me start off by explaining how I discovered this noid.  I actually knew (know just dont soscalize with him) this person and I thought he was the only one.  An albino of sorts.  Not rare, possibly on the near extinction list.  THEN oh my gosh I was introduced to another one!!  Amusing thing is that these people know each other!  So I started thinking...mabey they travel in packs?  Probably for safety, because when you are near extinction you hang with your own out of self preservation.  I want to give this humanoid a name, so lets start off with the description of how to sight one of these nearly extinct creatures.
          More often then not they are male, but lets be fair, there are females of this kind too.   They are jaded with the opposite sex of their species.  So if you are male you dislike females;  Females dislike males.  This does not by any means imply that they are gay.  Infact in my observations and knowledge gay people prefer intimate personal relationships of their own sex but are not adverse to the opposite sex.  
          The mind set of the species in question is such that they live almost backwards in their thinking concerning the opposite sex.  Resorting to labels that are out dated, generalized, prejudiced, and biased.   They are unable to sustain healthy, nurturing, loving relationships with the opposite sex.  Not only in an intimate nature, even simple freindships elude them.   They blame the opposite sex for this, and many other failures in their lives.
          I would like to say that all this attitude, anger, distrust, and dislike for the opposite sex stems from occurances like childhood/parent issues, divorces, abuse, neglect, bullying etc.  But I know many people who have been wronged by the opposite sex and hold no such pessimistic, destructive, attitudes.  So what is it?
          Hmmmmm... fear.  Yep that is it.   This species self esteem is rooted in the absolute belief that in order to feel secure in themselves they must hold on to everything that is wrong.  They must verbally abuse, belittle, and demean people around them in an attempt to feel better about themselves.  It is a form of control I think.  But control over whom?
          Im my observations most persons who attempt to engage in an intimate, or even friendship, with these people end up not staying for too long.   They dont like being made to feel small, stupid, inadequate, responsible (for everything), and most of all crazy.   I find that when someone attempts to make someone feel this way they actually feel this way about themselves.  
          There is a behavior management theory out there that people in the behavior/social sciences use to find tools to help someone with behavior/social issues.   When someone is able to manipulate an environment, to the point where people in it change their behavior, a few things should be observed closely.  Either they are very healthy, in the field of social studies and are using the manipulation as a tool to pull empathy from someone so they can learn; or the person who is manipulateing has some pretty deep seated issues concerning fear some where in their lives.   They may not even be aware of it and to be honset with you I have observed that many of these people are unaware of their inappropriateness. 
         Fear makes people do crazy things sometimes.  But it also makes heros.  So how do you know which one you are dealing with?   Well is it well intended? Or intentional manipulation?  They are different.  One is for the benefit of someone else, the other is selfish in nature.  One will give good feelings the other will not.  One will have immediate results the other will not; now this one is tricky.  You would think that someone giving good feeling, in this line of reason, would have immediate results.  But the opposite is actually true.  In dealing with bad behavior you don't always look for the short term rewards.  It takes time for anything, or anybody, to change.  So if you recieve immediate bad feelings from somoeone, then bingo, red flag.
          So anyways back to this humanoid.   Name, Name, Name.....then here it is the Pith of the Matter.  If we lable this person are we not we as bad as they are?  How can we name them after all the lables they have put on us?  So we won't.  Instead we will gain an understanding of who they are and why.  They get the gift of love and compassion.  But they dont get the gift of my company.   I also give them the power, and control, to say what they will about me.  After all...they only get as much power over me as I allow them. In the end what only matters is my own self worth; which I get power and control over. 
I am not interested in power for power's sake, but I'm interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.
Martin Luther King, Jr.


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