I have decided to rename the phases of human development as they apply to cleanliness.
Phase one- Is the need someone to take care of you and your things phase. This is for infants and toddlers. This is where someone needs to feed you, put your clothes ona nd off, wipe your butt, etc. etc.
Phase two- Is the "I can do it myself phase" (But we all know you really can't so while your not looking we will go back and help you do it right.) For three to about six years of age. They like cleaning and helping but don't tell them they are doing that wrong.
Phase three- Is the Im gong to say Im doing it but its all just ending up under my bed phase. This is a scarey phase when it comes to personal hygene...I don't know how the soap and tooth paste ends up under the bed but it does? This lasts from about seven to 13 yers of age.
Phase four- Is the I wish we could go back to it all being under the bed phase...at least the room gave the appearance of being clean. This phase is form 13 to about 17. In the early ages of this phase you might see your adolescent give up personal hygene all together...or go completely over board on it wearing a gallon of some scented stuff that keeps everyone away. Either way whether it is a lack of personal hygene or too much both are successful at keeping, usually persons who are about there parents age, away. Their peers don't seem to be bothered by this.
Phase five- Is the I think I get the personal hygene thing now. This is from age 17 to 20. Be warned however, the rooms and actually any place that they have been will leave evidence of some kind of storm or tornado. I never understood this really...how can bad weather happen in a home? Not worry though clear weather is on the horizon.
Phase six- Is the its not your problem anymore phase. This is from 20+. They have moved out and it is there problem or someone elses; unless they move back home then see phase five, rinse and repeat until you successfully reach phase seven.
Phase seven- Is the Ive got hold of the problem now phase. Thank goodness sigh of relief. This goes on for a lengthy period of time until phase eight.
Phase eight-see phase one. Usually reserved for the parents of the person experiencing the first seven phases.
What goes around comes around. Remember that kids next time you give your parents crap about keeping your room clean. You may have to clean up our crap one day. Think about it.
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