Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Chasing Happy

     Image result for happy and dopey seven dwarfs    

          When I try to visualize what happy is suppose to look like what immediately comes to mind is Happy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.  When I was very young my grandmother got my brother and I mugs for hot chocolate.  My brother got a Grumpy Mug and I got Snow White.  Those mugs defined for me what that era in our lives was all about.  I tried to tell my grandmother, who didn't listen, that I wanted a Dopey or Happy mug.  But her perception, and the perception of that time, defined that I should have a princess mug. 

adjective dopey 
  1. Stuporous, esp from narcotic intoxication : I was dopy after they gave me the shot
  2. Stupid; idiotic : Most movies are written for women in their 20s and 30s, and these are sort of dopey parts

           Happy and Dopey were partners in crime.  I think they were misunderstood by many people.  That misconception comes out today in memes that define, "I'm with stupid" or any meme on stupid people for that matter. Who are we to judge what stupid is?  What we perceive as stupid, or even intelligence for that matter, could be perceived as the complete opposite by some one else.  Any whoo back to Happy. 
          Happy is content to stand next to Dopey, not because he is, well, dopey, but because he is...Dopey.  Dopey may do silly things, perceived by many as being dopey, inane, slow, or stupid, but in my perception he did dopey things because he was an innocent.  Happy stood along side him enjoying the innocence of Dopey.  This train of thought got me to thinking about happy and how we spend much of life chasing it.
          I would not define my youth as happy; I think most people when asked about their childhood would say it sucked.  We look back on everything we missed; what we each perceive as our childhood is defined by whom ever , and/or what ever, took it away.  Which when you think about it is kind of funny because, well, we all have to grow up sometime.  Unfortunately it is much, much, sooner for some of us then for others. 
          I think for those people who feel like their childhood wasn't long enough, for what ever reason, some of them will have a tendency to prolong adolescence for longer then necessary in an attempt to find more happy. It doesn't mean that someone is afraid to grow up. Its just that they have made a choice to hold on to something they feel they didn't have for awhile longer. 
          I really don't personally have an issue with anyone who chooses to enjoy the benefits of youth while an adult.  Unless they are being self destructive about it, or hurting others. Eventually the universe says enough is enough and pushes us to the next phase of life.  Personally I feel that if the universe is making it possible for us to enjoy youth just a little bit longer then may be we should. 
          Its our own internal voice, and/or the voice of the universe we should really pay attention to, not that of society, the norm, after all.  No one else can really decide what is best for us.  They can try to share wisdom, experience etc., and we should let them and listen to them, but in the end we have to live with our own choices.
          In my experience when time is spent trying to fit in with the norm it brings more grief, hardship, confusion, exasperation, etc., then just trying to do what feels right.  When I say feels right this is assuming that while addictions may feel good, they do not feel right.  There is a difference.  Standing out, being different, is what will get you noticed, and being noticed is what will help you to succeed, and ultimately give you a greater sense of self. 
          When we don't listen to our selves.  When we don't listen to reason, the rightness of someone else, or the universe, we put ourselves in the position to chase happy.  Happy will, under these circumstances, always be just beyond our reach for the simple reason that we are not suppose to catch happiness that is not meant for us.  Happiness defined by someone else is meant for someone else, not us.  Happiness defined for us is, well, for us. 
          I know this sounds confusing and I am not suggesting that we should listen to everyone, or never listen to anyone.  What I am saying is to listen and know when what we are listening to is actually for us and not for who ever is sharing their experience(s).  There are many people who think they are trying to help by suggesting a path of less resistance for you.  Some one who genuinely cares for you will not suggest making it easier by doing something else.  They will give you tools to make your current path feel easier just by helping you be successful at what you want to do.  They will share wisdom based on their own particular experiences and how it made them successful.  Basically beware of people who give you advice that pushes you into something that you feel is not right for you, this is a sure way to unhappiness, and will make you feel that you are chasing happy instead of holding its hand and standing side by side with it.
          I look back on my youth in wonder now that I am older.  All those mistakes I thought, or were even told to me by others, that I was making?  Well it turns out they were not mistakes after all.  Everything happened just the way it was suppose to happen for a reason.  I would not be the person I am today with out everything that happened.  Over time it has become increasingly easier, because I've had plenty of practice at it, to just do what I like to do.  If you don't practice anything however, how will you get good at it? 
          I wish someone had clued me in on this fact earlier in life.  The only regret I have looking back is wishing that I had had more confidence, more self esteem.  That there was someone, anyone behind me telling me to be an artist and parent at the same time, that it was possible.  Although if I had made that choice I would not have touched so many lives in child development, and social work.  Makes you think huh.  ;) I felt as if much of my life was spent chasing happy.  Happy was always just out of reach for me while I was doing dopey stuff.  Now I realize that everyone does dopey stuff.  Everyone!  Being dopey is how we learn.  Being dopey is simply not understanding that where you are right now is exactly where you are suppose to be.  Anyone who tells you other wise is the distraction.          
          When I look back on life I come to an understanding, a wisdom, of things that I should have been supplied with to make my life feel more successful.  I think about all the people who had an opportunity to give me guidance, information, share wisdom, give self confidence, help me feel more successful and for what ever reason opted not to.  I could narrow this down to just a lack of role models in my family but over time I have found this not to be true. 
          The Pith of the Matter is this. If you are simply a member of the human race you are in the position to share your experience and learn from someone else's experiences.  I also feel with great conviction that if you are a parent, a care giver, you have a special obligation, a role, given to you as a gift by the universe, to pass along your self confidence gained through experience, wisdom gained, to the next generation.  To NOT reincarnate your suffering, to ease it, and let the next generation learn from their own individual, particular kind of suffering.  Karma.  I could fill in the gaps here and share my perspectives on why I think so many of us choose not to listen, not to share, not to help each other, but I think that perspective will change from person to person so Ill just let you mull over your reasons.  The only thing I want to pass on is this.  There are obvious wrongs and rights, don't kill, don't engage in addictions, etc. but everything in between the extremes are obvious neutrals, there to be picked and chosen by each individual.  There is one simple rule.  Be a Dopey and be Happy about it!  Simple as that.  Your only regret will be choosing not to  learn from being dopey and happy.

Namaste http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/11/08/meaning-namaste-many-translations-one-universal-intention/

Emaho  Emaho! or e-ma-ho! Tibetan   Interjection expressive of compassion for all living creatures. [203n].

Peace out  Peace Out
1. Goodbye
2. (intransitive verb) to leave or retire
3. (transitive verb) to kill

Note: I only heard the third meaning recently, but I thought it was pretty funny so I've included it.
1. "Yeah, see you then, peace out."
2. "Yo I gotta peace out, I'm tired."
3. "I just peaced out that spider with my shoe."

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