Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Energy of Stars

Image result for stars

Stephenie Meyer
“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

           Ever notice how doing something as simple as looking up into the night sky and star gazing can make you feel energized?  Such a simple thing when you think about it. It brings us a kind of energy.  Something, no matter what your age, station in life, race, color, creed, faith, etc. we all think about and strive for.  When your younger you have a ton of it.  When your older you wish you had more of it.  AND let me share that no matter what good shape your in, as you get older, your physical energy will deplete, but your mental energy, your core energy does not have to.  The universe has recently enlightened me to energy and its importance.  Let me share with you my journey.
          I start many journeys with a simple definition.

the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
"changes in the levels of vitamins can affect energy and well-being"

synonyms:vitality, vigor, life, liveliness, animation, vivacity, spirit, spiritedness, verve, enthusiasm, zest, vibrancy, spark, sparkle, effervescence, ebullience, exuberance, buoyancy, sprightliness; More
power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines.
          Pretty straight forward.  For our purposes, however, we are going to focus on the first definition, although if you think about it we are all technically organic machines and the second definition does apply to us.
          We all know that in order to function as optimum human beings, what ever that individual definition is, we should be taking care of ourselves.  There is a TON of information out there on what to eat, how much to eat, what NOT to eat, how much water to drink, how much exercise we should have, etc., etc., blah, blah, in order to keep our organic machine well oiled and functioning at peak levels. 
          I have met, known, and talked to, over my life time, at length, many people who choose to make these ideas, and truths by the way, nothing less then an art form. 
the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
"the art of the Renaissance"

synonyms:fine art, artwork
"he studied art"

the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.

"the visual arts"
          While I believe and support that having your body in good working order is important I do not think that it is the sole means of having good energy. 
           I recently started a new job.  Not a career.  I had a couple of those.  I am content knowing that I was successful at both of them and will be leaving the world a better place.  What I have now is a job, and I can share that it is AWESOME! 
          I like the idea of going to work and just...working!  Working hard!  Over the last month or so of working I have met a few people, all around my age, who are also in my place in life.  We have had multiple conversations about who are the hard workers, who are not, and why?  Interestingly enough the consensus seems to be that most, but not all, of the hard workers are over the age of 40.  Most of the non- hard workers are in their 20s or under. 
          Now I, being always a child/human development advocate, have pointed out to the complainers that all of us, at some point in life, have found ourselves in a non working phase of life for one reason or another.  Usually when we are younger, still figuring out life, and enjoying it.  Some one pointed out that it is the generation today.  In my head I thought which generation of today? 
          Having been a social worker I can tell you for a fact that there are far more persons over the age of 30 taking advantage of the system and choosing hard to not work... at any aspect of life.  These people, by the way, are  the ones who teach the next generation how not to have a good work ethic; more importantly they teach them bad energy habits.   
          What I believe, is this.  My sons have a good work ethic.  YES hubby and I tried hard to teach this to them.  But behind a good work ethic is a kind of energy that must be learned by each individual. You can, as a parent, care giver, teacher, role model, etc., try to teach good energy,(or attitude) but energy is an internal motivator, not an external one and must be experienced. 
          I recently had a conversation, on line, with one of my gamer chums.  I am a nerd of the old school.  Everyone who knows me knows this.  I have, and always will game, either on the computer, with board games, role playing games, or what ever stimulates, and increases, my intellect and imagination.  I was not surprised to find many people around my age gaming; although I have learned that many younger energy's are uncomfortable with older energy's..  We experienced energies band together in guilds, factions, etc. and discuss not only gaming, but life in general.  Once again one of the topics that comes up, when there is dissention in the world, and even if there isn't, is the generation gap.
gen·er·a·tion gap
differences of outlook or opinion between people of different generations.
          An older energy was sharing that some "whipper snapper" was telling him to retire and get out of gaming because his views on the game were out dated.  pffft (wiping off monitor hold on) Seriously?  Here's my thoughts on that.  We older energy's started gaming before the younger energy's even started twinkling.  With out a real appreciation of where energy began how can you truly understand what it is now and why? 
          While it is good energy to live in the moment, you must also understand why you are in that moment, not dwelling in the past, but having an appreciation for it.  With out the past there would be no present or future.  AND while understanding that past sometimes means understanding that things should change it does not mean that energy shifts are, or should be, for the better.   The perception(s) of whether the way thing are now, then, or in the future, better, worse, or some where in between, are exactly that...perception.  Subject to individuality. TO many examples to list so I will just let you mull that thought around a bit
Image result for energy in space
          It has been the habit of western civilization to infer that some how getting older is bad energy.  Being younger, and everything that mass media associate's with being younger, is good energy.  When you watch TV, and I include cable, and any streaming, you will notice that very few shows, advertising, etc. has to do with persons over the age of 50.  EVEN though the majority of people out there running the country, world, and making decisions that effect all of us are over the age of 50. 
          The reason mass media is directed towards persons mainly under the age of 40 is because those are the ages that can be mostly influenced by what, and whom ever is doing the advertising, and trying to sell what ever it is they are trying to sell.  Whether it is a meal, a car, a location, or an IDEA..  Persons over the age of 40 have , for the most part, formed their opinions on life and the energy in it. 
          Now I don't assume that the problem of bad energy is mainly directed towards younger generations.  Let me point out to others of my generation that in order to get MUCH done today energy that only younger people have is needed to get some things done.  Thank goodness for my youngest still living at home who has the energy to lift what I cannot not.  In order for the world to change new ideas, new energy MUST be included. Little kids can move bad energy around a house with just a laugh.  AND there is something about watching younger generations figure out the things that you have already done.  Starting family's, starting homes, careers, etc.   Just watching and knowing that it is a never ending cycle is some how reassuring.  Good energy.  So why do we as a society have a tendency to want to steal and shoot down each others good energy? 
          Our culture promotes competition for one, and not the healthy kind.  The "American Dream"
A·mer·i·can dream
the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.
"he could achieve the American dream only by hard work"
states that we all have the opportunity for...well what that definition says.  :P  However, honestly, there are quite a few people out there these days that believe that they are entitled to this with out the hard work. 
          I remember my grandfather, an immigrant by the way, sharing all his stories about how he worked hard and how America provided what he and his family would never, could never, have had if he hadn't come to America.  I wonder if some of the people who are screaming about immigrants coming to our country are concerned that they might have to work harder? 
          These bad energy's are the same people who allowed companies to be shut down because they wanted more pay for less work.  NOW I am not assuming that every one thinks this way.  I know quite a few people who deserve more pay because they are extremely hard workers.  BUT blaming people coming from another country looking to have a dream that many of us take advantage of is NOT solving the problem and is honestly putting more bad energy out there than I personally am comfortable with .  This thought process of mine also does not cover allowing persons who may contribute to illegal, harmful behavior in our country, which is a whole other topic.
          Self preservation can be another reason for bad energy.  We all have our comfort zones.  Most people will live in the same city, same state, stay in the same job, home etc., most ,if not all, of their lives.  Some never travel out of the country or will only travel as far as the next state.  For those of us who have been many places, met all kinds of people, seen all kinds of life, good and bad, this idea of being stationary, and I am speaking from experience,  is an unusual, even alien if you will, concept. 
          The Ignorance is bliss saying?  Not necessarily a good thing.  It simply means that not knowing something is considered by some to be preferable to knowing.  I believe that when someone chooses ignorance someone else, some where, suffers because of it.  Just think about that for awhile in connection to something that most of use have experienced in one form or another...bullying.
          The last idea I have for bad energy is identity.  When we get in our comfort zones, when we are influenced by out side ideas, like the American dream, we start to believe that some how our identity depends on keeping, even fighting, for these ideas.  Whether the idea is right or wrong.  Especially if that idea is all we have ever known. 
          If we have grown up with the idea that there should be a generation gap that does not encourage unity then that is exactly what we will identify with.  Simple.  AND if we are not taught, shown, exposed to anything different than we will never believe that there is any difference; more importantly we will not learn, KNOW, that differences are ok.  We will be ignorant to the fact that it is possible to keep our identity while having differences, and the energy will not change.
          The Pith of the Matter is this.  Good energy does not come simply from eating right, exercising often, believing in God, going to church regularly, and sitting around complaining about everything, and everyone, who has prevented you from having what YOU think you deserve.  It does not come from stating that the reason the world is the way it is, is because everyone doesn't work as hard as you do. 
          It comes from simply understanding the simple fact that we have exactly what we deserve.  The universe makes sure of it based on the energy we put out there. 
      Simply be teaching some one that if they want more this is how to deserve it.  Work hard using compassion, a smile, kindness, patience. etc.  Sometimes it doesn't require anyone saying anything, maybe its just getting out there and doing, role modeling, showing people what good energy feels like, looks like.  When you role model with a smile, with compassion, with acceptance, self assurance, you make a difference no matter what you choose to do in life because you are simply putting good energy out there.  That my friends is what its all about in the end.  The energy. 
          When life is said and done we leave our energy behind to enter the stream of life.  I sometimes wonder how many people are dying alone, sad, angry, with bad energy?  Then I wonder how many people know about the people dying alone and choose to do nothing about it.  May be it can be changed simply by helping other more.  Smiling at others more.  Assuming that we all have challenges. 
          I remember sitting in my astronomy class and my professor talking about stars, and how they are born and how they die. 
I know I wasn't, and will not be the first person to think, "wow just like us." 
          There is one huge difference between us and the stars however, distance.  Stars, that we are aware of, don't get caught up in all the drama of life.  All those little things that add to the bad energy.  There has to be a balance in order for things to work properly.  The next time you want to contribute to bad energy simply ask yourself, "will adding to the bad energy bring balance?  Or is this an opportunity to add some good energy and bring balance?"   We can change the energy be closing the distance.  Changing the energy, closing the distance buys us time.
          Whether we have the energy of a young star just being born, the energy of the star some where in the middle of its existence, or the energy of a star who's been developing for ages the point is that it should all be positive energy.  To shed light, compassion, kindness, and make us feel good at the end of our day.  At the end of time.

Peace out

William Shakespeare
“When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare Collection)
tags: death, light, stars
Victor Hugo
“What Is Love? I have met in the streets a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his soul”
Victor Hugo
tags: love, soul, stars

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Chasing Happy

     Image result for happy and dopey seven dwarfs    

          When I try to visualize what happy is suppose to look like what immediately comes to mind is Happy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.  When I was very young my grandmother got my brother and I mugs for hot chocolate.  My brother got a Grumpy Mug and I got Snow White.  Those mugs defined for me what that era in our lives was all about.  I tried to tell my grandmother, who didn't listen, that I wanted a Dopey or Happy mug.  But her perception, and the perception of that time, defined that I should have a princess mug. 

adjective dopey 
  1. Stuporous, esp from narcotic intoxication : I was dopy after they gave me the shot
  2. Stupid; idiotic : Most movies are written for women in their 20s and 30s, and these are sort of dopey parts

           Happy and Dopey were partners in crime.  I think they were misunderstood by many people.  That misconception comes out today in memes that define, "I'm with stupid" or any meme on stupid people for that matter. Who are we to judge what stupid is?  What we perceive as stupid, or even intelligence for that matter, could be perceived as the complete opposite by some one else.  Any whoo back to Happy. 
          Happy is content to stand next to Dopey, not because he is, well, dopey, but because he is...Dopey.  Dopey may do silly things, perceived by many as being dopey, inane, slow, or stupid, but in my perception he did dopey things because he was an innocent.  Happy stood along side him enjoying the innocence of Dopey.  This train of thought got me to thinking about happy and how we spend much of life chasing it.
          I would not define my youth as happy; I think most people when asked about their childhood would say it sucked.  We look back on everything we missed; what we each perceive as our childhood is defined by whom ever , and/or what ever, took it away.  Which when you think about it is kind of funny because, well, we all have to grow up sometime.  Unfortunately it is much, much, sooner for some of us then for others. 
          I think for those people who feel like their childhood wasn't long enough, for what ever reason, some of them will have a tendency to prolong adolescence for longer then necessary in an attempt to find more happy. It doesn't mean that someone is afraid to grow up. Its just that they have made a choice to hold on to something they feel they didn't have for awhile longer. 
          I really don't personally have an issue with anyone who chooses to enjoy the benefits of youth while an adult.  Unless they are being self destructive about it, or hurting others. Eventually the universe says enough is enough and pushes us to the next phase of life.  Personally I feel that if the universe is making it possible for us to enjoy youth just a little bit longer then may be we should. 
          Its our own internal voice, and/or the voice of the universe we should really pay attention to, not that of society, the norm, after all.  No one else can really decide what is best for us.  They can try to share wisdom, experience etc., and we should let them and listen to them, but in the end we have to live with our own choices.
          In my experience when time is spent trying to fit in with the norm it brings more grief, hardship, confusion, exasperation, etc., then just trying to do what feels right.  When I say feels right this is assuming that while addictions may feel good, they do not feel right.  There is a difference.  Standing out, being different, is what will get you noticed, and being noticed is what will help you to succeed, and ultimately give you a greater sense of self. 
          When we don't listen to our selves.  When we don't listen to reason, the rightness of someone else, or the universe, we put ourselves in the position to chase happy.  Happy will, under these circumstances, always be just beyond our reach for the simple reason that we are not suppose to catch happiness that is not meant for us.  Happiness defined by someone else is meant for someone else, not us.  Happiness defined for us is, well, for us. 
          I know this sounds confusing and I am not suggesting that we should listen to everyone, or never listen to anyone.  What I am saying is to listen and know when what we are listening to is actually for us and not for who ever is sharing their experience(s).  There are many people who think they are trying to help by suggesting a path of less resistance for you.  Some one who genuinely cares for you will not suggest making it easier by doing something else.  They will give you tools to make your current path feel easier just by helping you be successful at what you want to do.  They will share wisdom based on their own particular experiences and how it made them successful.  Basically beware of people who give you advice that pushes you into something that you feel is not right for you, this is a sure way to unhappiness, and will make you feel that you are chasing happy instead of holding its hand and standing side by side with it.
          I look back on my youth in wonder now that I am older.  All those mistakes I thought, or were even told to me by others, that I was making?  Well it turns out they were not mistakes after all.  Everything happened just the way it was suppose to happen for a reason.  I would not be the person I am today with out everything that happened.  Over time it has become increasingly easier, because I've had plenty of practice at it, to just do what I like to do.  If you don't practice anything however, how will you get good at it? 
          I wish someone had clued me in on this fact earlier in life.  The only regret I have looking back is wishing that I had had more confidence, more self esteem.  That there was someone, anyone behind me telling me to be an artist and parent at the same time, that it was possible.  Although if I had made that choice I would not have touched so many lives in child development, and social work.  Makes you think huh.  ;) I felt as if much of my life was spent chasing happy.  Happy was always just out of reach for me while I was doing dopey stuff.  Now I realize that everyone does dopey stuff.  Everyone!  Being dopey is how we learn.  Being dopey is simply not understanding that where you are right now is exactly where you are suppose to be.  Anyone who tells you other wise is the distraction.          
          When I look back on life I come to an understanding, a wisdom, of things that I should have been supplied with to make my life feel more successful.  I think about all the people who had an opportunity to give me guidance, information, share wisdom, give self confidence, help me feel more successful and for what ever reason opted not to.  I could narrow this down to just a lack of role models in my family but over time I have found this not to be true. 
          The Pith of the Matter is this. If you are simply a member of the human race you are in the position to share your experience and learn from someone else's experiences.  I also feel with great conviction that if you are a parent, a care giver, you have a special obligation, a role, given to you as a gift by the universe, to pass along your self confidence gained through experience, wisdom gained, to the next generation.  To NOT reincarnate your suffering, to ease it, and let the next generation learn from their own individual, particular kind of suffering.  Karma.  I could fill in the gaps here and share my perspectives on why I think so many of us choose not to listen, not to share, not to help each other, but I think that perspective will change from person to person so Ill just let you mull over your reasons.  The only thing I want to pass on is this.  There are obvious wrongs and rights, don't kill, don't engage in addictions, etc. but everything in between the extremes are obvious neutrals, there to be picked and chosen by each individual.  There is one simple rule.  Be a Dopey and be Happy about it!  Simple as that.  Your only regret will be choosing not to  learn from being dopey and happy.


Emaho  Emaho! or e-ma-ho! Tibetan   Interjection expressive of compassion for all living creatures. [203n].

Peace out  Peace Out
1. Goodbye
2. (intransitive verb) to leave or retire
3. (transitive verb) to kill

Note: I only heard the third meaning recently, but I thought it was pretty funny so I've included it.
1. "Yeah, see you then, peace out."
2. "Yo I gotta peace out, I'm tired."
3. "I just peaced out that spider with my shoe."

Monday, October 12, 2015

What If

Image result for what if

 Gautama Buddha
“You only lose what you cling to.”
Gautama Buddha         

          Its not often we are gifted with insight into how our lives could be if.  I call them what if scenarios.  What if we didn't have kids,  If we didn't get married.  If I was an only child.  What if I hadn't lost that job or if I had gotten that job. If we hadn't moved, if we would only move.  What if we had more money, nicer cars, could get my nails done instead of doing them my self.  What if I could drop 30 pounds.  What if we hadn't made that mistake. what if I died.  What if you died.  What if...

Last night I was given a gift.  
Some insight.  
A what if.   
A dream. 
A glimpse into the future.

          This glimpse into the future was not something that could be changed, it was a certainty.  It wasn't a what if.  It was just a matter of when. 
You died. 
          The dream was very real.  I felt everything as if it had actually happened. The remorse, anguish, hurt, loss.  The sorrow I felt at this loss was more than I could bear.  In my dream I couldn't take care of my self, I stopped taking care of myself, all I could do was curl up into a ball and cry.  Not just cry, sob.  Alone, wandering aimlessly in my home, looking out windows, seeing nothing.
           A faceless friend stepped in. came to my rescue, led me around.  She took me home.  It was a nice home full of all ages of people, bright colors, warm feelings.  This friend was loving, patient, compassionate, and calm.
           While the friend, and other faceless entity's, were putting me into a bed that was soft and had a granny square blanket, three boys came in and were happily running around me; they all stopped and wondered why I was not responding to their happiness, they wanted me to play with them.  One reached out his hand to me with a look of compassion that I have never experienced before.  I reached out and took his small hand. The small hand seemed to fill mine completely.  I momentarily felt joy, warmth, love. 

As instantly as those happy feelings came they disappeared and I remembered you were gone and started crying again. 
          The sorrow was all at once replaced with a wave of anger. I wondered if you really ever loved me, if our relationship meant anything; if you did how could you have left me all alone.  As quickly as those feelings came on they vanished and I was left with a deep sorrow of loss again. 

I woke up.  Tears still in my eyes.

          In my dream I know who died in my dream.  I purposely don't name it here.  
 I know who the friend was who helped me.  I purposely don't name it here.  I feel, while very comforting to me, putting names to the faces, is not the point.
          The face, of either of these people, could be me, it could be you.  It could be a loved one, it could be a stranger.  While some of the details of my dream were important, I think the core message is far more important.  Life is truly too short to hold on to anger, resentment, and any and all of the bad aspects of life that are pretty good at distracting us from what is truly important.  Life is too short to hate ourselves or anyone for what if's.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
Gautama Buddha
          In everyone's life we all have someone, or someone's, whom we don't associate with anymore, and sometimes for good reasons.  Some of these people come back around as we travel the path of life, some do not. 
          There will always be some people who will always be in your life.  Always, whether you want them to be or not.  These people stay for a reason.  Whether it is because you are related, by blood or marriage, or you are just friends and some thing else binds your lives together.  These precious few people will bring out the very best and very worst in you and you will love each other for that. 
          The Pith of the Matter is this.  Take nothing for granted.  Let some of the anger go.  Say I love you often and when ever you can.  Let the people you know, who know you, who you feel with, that you value their life and you are grateful to be a part of it. 
          Appreciate who you are now.  What you have to offer.  You are special and life is too short to dwell on the what ifs.   You will never be in this place doing the exact same thing in the same way with the same people ever again.  Even if some of those people choose not to stay they will play some importance in your life in the now.  Be mindful.

Last night I was given a gift.  
Some insight.  
A what if.   
A dream. 
A glimpse into the future.

Alan W. Watts
“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.”
Alan W. Watts
Thích Nhất Hạnh
“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free.”
Thích Nhất Hạnh, The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

WIth Out Trying

    Image result for quotes on walking meditation    

Image result for without trying quote

          Walking; something everyone does daily. Often, with out trying, and with out much thought.  We walk every where, at work, at school, grocery shopping, to a friends, to our cars, all around our home, everything we do includes walking.  Walking should really be something we try to pay more attention to; be more mindful of.  Its importance became aware to me recently in a place I wasn't expecting, and with out even trying.
          I took a vacation to visit my sister who lives in the Chicago area.  Much of my traveling these days requires flying.  My trust of flying has been a journey.  When I was younger I suffered from motion sickness; when flying I always made sure I had one of those bags readily available.  I never had to use one but having it in sight helped. 
         At some point on my aerial path I started investigating ways to help my motion sickness subside.  I am severely allergic to anything that prevents nausea, and/or motion sickness, so I cannot take those meds.  Instead I started using ginger; ginger snaps, ginger candy, ginger ale, anything that had ginger in it, surprisingly, and happily, this worked; to this day I travel with all things ginger. 
         The biggest change I found, made, and still use, how ever, is breathing.  I started just deep breathing to relieve tension, and ward off the nausea; over the years breathing turned into meditating during take off, and landing.  Meditating while sitting on a plane is one of the few times I still now actually sit and meditate.  This realization of how I felt I slacked off on meditation bothered me.  I love meditating it brings me joy, peace and even-ness.   Why did I seem to be avoiding something that gave me those feelings?  Oh I could say its because I like misery, and don't like to put my self first, but the real reason is much simpler than that; like most people I am busy.  I set about investigating how to remedy this. 
          Many things I read suggested re-arranging my schedule and making sitting meditation part of my daily routine.  Well sounds good in theory, but in real life I'm sure many of you will agree how hard this can be.  For those people who have the luxury of being able to sit for at least 20 minutes every day I send warm thoughts, and just a tad of jealousy, your way.  Then I read  something from one of Thich Nhat Hanh books, The Heart of the Buddha's Teachings.

When we practice walking meditation in a relaxed peaceful way it is the same.  We step not just for ourselves but for the world.  When we look at others, we see how their happiness, and suffering, are linked to our happiness and suffering. "Peace begins with me."

         He goes on to explain that meditation is also a progression in the path of Buddhism.  In the beginning most people will sit and meditate, and this is what the Buddha teaches should take place in the beginning.  The Buddha put lessons in effect for people who are entering Buddhism. As a person reads more and more sutra's the level of Buddhism changes.  So while it is important to find time to sit and meditate walking meditation is almost more important.  It encourages us to get out into the world and be mindful to what is around us.  To put into effect, and use, compassion. With that in mind I traveled.
          On the way to my destination mindful walking meditation encouraged me to take off my head phones and speak to people.  I met an elderly man from Saginaw Michigan who recently found the restaurant Chik-Fil-A and was excited to know that there was a rumor that one might be opening up in Saginaw soon.  When my sister and I traveled to northern Michigan we joked about wishing we had some to take to him.  He also shared that he had a grand daughter in social work and a wife who didn't like to fly. 
          I spoke with a woman from Jamaica who had never seen autumn before and was looking forward to the leaves changing, she also shared the first time she saw snow in the moon light and how beautiful it was.  She asked me which season Americans liked best fall or winter and I told I couldn't speak for everyone but my personal favorite was fall.  She asked," because of thanksgiving?"   And I said," no for the leaves changing color."  She gave me a look of confusion and asked if I wasn't thankful?  I shared that after living in New Mexico and having friends that are Native American celebrating that particular holiday wasn't really being thankful.  She looked at me thoughtfully and said she hadn't thought about that. 
          I talked to everyone I had the chance to.  Mostly small talk; the point being is that I choose to become very mindful to my surroundings and the people in them.  I remember my grandmother who was mindful but how it caused her fear.  She wouldn't talk to strangers and kept her eyes open to what she perceived as constant potential danger.  I became compassionate to her; how sad that she missed the opportunity to meet people and miss the great story's of snow for the first time, a pride in a grand daughter and her career choice, which reminded me of the pride I use to have in social work when I first started doing it, before I became burnt out and disillusioned.  The best path I crossed however was in the air port on the way home.
          I was strolling slowly, after having eaten, continuing people watching, smiling at anyone and everyone who gave me eye contact.  You'd be surprised how something as simple as a smile can help someone. 
          I got to my gate, found a seat, plugged in my head phones, and began to read, taking some time to myself.  Looking up from time to time. One of these times I noticed a young man in a sailor uniform, then another, and another, and another.  Soon the seating area at my gate was full of them and their family's.  How nice that the airport allows these family's to see there sons, brothers, boyfriend's, husbands, dads off at the gates still.  I took my head phones off, closed my book and sat, observed, listened.  The desk person got on the intercom and announced a welcome to the navel personal that had just participated in graduation.  We all clapped, and many of the young men, not one over the age of 24 blushed and smiled.  I became mindful to the fact of how young these men were; how they were the ones called upon to defend all of us.  At that exact moment a woman sat across form me, she had on a navel t-shirt and put a fuzzy, soft navel blanket over her lap.  She smiled back at me, took out her phone, and began doing what ever it is that most of us do on our phones when we are not using them to talk to someone. 
          Periodically she looked up at some of the sailors and smiled.  I was curious; wondering if she was perhaps an officer?  She seemed to have a quiet confidence about her that I admired. Then a young girl in her teens sat down next to her while talking to someone on her phone.  A daughter most obviously I thought, there was a resemblance to each other. 
          After a few minutes a young man, not old enough to drink alcohol, came up to them and the mom, I had already decided, looked at him with pride and love.  I watched all three of them interact with each other for a bit.  They laughed and joked with each other.  Mom had a wedding ring on, where was dad I wondered?  I asked where the young man was headed, mom replied," to Pensacola."  While we briefly discussed what Florida was like, what airport he was flying into etc.  the young man saw some friends and walked over to them.  Mom became slightly distracted.
          I watched the mom watch her son with a look of love and pride never faltering.  Then I saw the look change and a tear came into the corner of her eye, her daughter noticed and became quieter and pretended not to notice her mom beginning to cry.  The mom rooted around in her purse, keeping her head down, trying to hide her tears.  I reached in to my bag, knowing that I had tissues on the top, grabbed one, and handed it to her, she smiled a thanks.  I asked," is he your eldest?", she cleared her throat and replied," yes" also sharing that she had one daughter looking at the girl sitting and smiling at me next to her.  I looked into the moms eyes and was suddenly filled with my own memory of the time my eldest left home, and the circumstances surrounding it; my heart went out to her.  Then I remembered how wonderfully he's doing now many years later. 
           I looked at her and shared," I remember when my eldest left home, he'll be ok."  She smiled thankfully at me.  We shared a moment that woman, who's name I still don't know, and I.  I know her sons name is Trey and watched him on the plane make room for a mom and her two small children. Patiently holding back the aisle traffic for her while she got herself, and her kids, settled into their seats.  I watched him help her with her carry on, replying yes mam, no mam, can I help you mam.  I thought that mom he left behind in the airport has a lot to be proud of.  Good job.  Perhaps some of his behavior came from his training with the Navy but I couldn't help but notice some of the other sailors didn't go out of their way as much as he did, and that was his moms doing.
          The Pith of the Matter here is this.  I realized that I do not need to try and sit and meditate daily in order to be mindful. To appreciate what is around me, to have opportunities, no matter how small, to be compassionate and kind.  Getting out and engaging in walking meditation seems to be more beneficial.  Walking meditation also ties into the 8 Fold Path and encourages us to use them all fully, where as sitting meditation, while definitely having its benefits, if used too much, and as the only source of meditation, can almost be selfish, not selfless, in nature.
          Even if you do not subscribe to Buddhism choosing to be mindful, engaged, thoughtful, of your surroundings, and the people in them, with out the use of anger, fear, and judgment will bring anyone, and everyone unexpected joy.  With out even trying that hard. 
Peace out
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