Time to write on a topic that is going to be emotionally charged for many of us I think. Before I get started on it let me give you some back ground info. I am in school, still. This semester I have the last of my english's which happens to be a literature class. I took African American literature. Of course I dont mind that you ask why...my sons asked the same thing. I love to read and write, I have already had Shakespeare, american authors, etc. etc. I wanted something that I had never had before. I knew it wouldnt be easy. I knew that I would be a minority, no biggy, its not the first time. (For the record caucasions actually are world wide the minority. But while I bring up that word I have to tell you my truth; Im pretty tired of the whole minority, majority stuff, how bout we are all just humans?) Anyways I divert. Here is my issue, which kinda relates to the previous statement. WHY oh why cant we all just get over this whole being different is a bad thing? Why cant we just celebrate differences?
Here is the crazy thing that I have noticed alot of lately. (What is the deffinition of crazy again?) Every culture, every race, every religion and every disability criticizes each other for not being like them! (Which is really the code for why donest anyone understand me.) And many will blame the problems of their race, culture, religion, etc. on one another. Sigh...its all too exhausting and sordid drama to me. You know what I have learned form it all this semester? That there are alot of angry people out there.
I sit in class many wednesday nights listening to my teacher and classmates. I have blogged before on my delemma of speaking up. It is so hard to listen objectively with out judgement. It is even harder to reply with out sounding judgemental. Then something occured to me. Others really dont have to agree with my perspective, but does that mean I dont have the right to speak up? And really who cares if they understand what I say. What is important is that it is said, the idea once again of stating the truth (as I see it) then backing away from it calmly and respectfully.
So back to weds. nights; I sit and listen in class and one word keeps on popping out at me,"they". They this and they that...who is they? Shouldnt it be defined before anyone takes it as they are part of "they?" I pointed this out and was quickly told that I was taking it too personally. Well duh! I pointed out that; one- we should be able to discuss these kinds of issues with out anyone taking anything personally and; two- in order for this to work mabey we should pay attention to the words we use. So my teacher said that when he says they he is inferring to a portion of the caucasion population who consider themselves to be white supremicists. Well ok...I deffenitely dont fall into that catagory. But this brought up something else for me.
How often do any of us lump, inadvertently, people, ideas, etc. into one generic classification? (By misusing a word like they for instance.) Even thinking that we all think that way is a generalization isnt it? In another blog I stated that this semester I have suddenly been thrusted into areas of discrimination that I knew were there but never took the time to think about. Heres what I think none of my instructors bargained for however. By spending so much time pointing out all the other people who are not sensitive, and or aware, of certain differences, and all the reasons for it, arnt they also guilty of discrimination to a certain extenet? (or mabey it is just the way that it is being presented?) Yes I admit, because I have seen it and dealt with it first hand, that many people out their are ignorant. But lets look at the word ignorant for a second.
To be ingnorant means that someone is lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned in a particular subject or fact, having a lack of training. So...when we discriminate against others for being ignoarnt what are we really discrimnateing against? A lack of education? Being sheltered from someone elses lifestyle? :P tphhhhhh (Using the rag that I keep handy to wipe off my monitor for just such occasions as this one.)
So heres the next step. I understand that there are some people out there who genuinally feel that they have had no choice in the lack of education they have recieved due to being sheltered and or secluded. I have seen the data out there and have talked to enough people in those situations to believe that this scenario is possible. I also beleive that there are people who purposefully keep others (still in this day and age) from learning and having information. (Shit, drug companys do this as part of their general professional practices.) Why does this happen you ask?
Well ask yourself, how could anyone benefit from someone else not having information? Even we small little people who go about our daily lives with hold information almost daily. We tell lies to our kids, our spouse, our friends, our employer...the list is endless. Always this is done under the need to know basis. They dont need to know so why tell them. Its my business, not theirs, they don't need to know what goes on in my personal life. But who are we to decide what someone else needs to know? That is for them to decide isnt it? And more importantly, there is a huge difference between not sharing personal information and not sharing information conercening cultural history, geography, etc. (basically educational information) Once again we have come to the laying truth at someone elses feet and backing away from it.
Confused yet? Stick with me a while longer. With all that just said I have come under critism because of something I think and believe in. Well a few things actually. One- yes we can blame others initially for not having information, but once we have it who do we blame? The information is always out there and available to us. ALWAYS! We can find almost anything we want under the freedom of information act, try it sometime, Google something that you never thought youde be able to get information on, because it is such an emtionally or politically charged subject. You will find stuff (all kinds of stuff)...all you have to due it sort through what is fact and what is fiction.
Second- Once you have that information what do you choose to do with it? Many people get angry. Why didnt I know about this before? How can the system with hold this from me? How can anyone not have taught this to me. BLame BLame BLame...BLeh. When i share my views on blame I have been told that I dont understand. That I havnt been where they were, or are. I dont know how they feel. sigh...so many excuses for keeping us seperated. Which brings me back to the beginning. (See how it is a vicious circle...i get it...i understand.) Shit happens, get on with it. Learn, and change. Take what you have had, and what you have, and make the world a better place. Be a great role model for others so that they dont repeat the cycle.
Why is it if anyone speaks as I do there will immediateley be at least one other person who suddenly jumps up and says,"SEE it is that kind of attitude that is holding us down." Really? Cause I think it is that victim attidute that holds us down. And I do mean us, because all it takes is one person to make a difference, all you have to do is decide if the difference you want to make is positive.
I pride myself on being well informed. But let me share this with you, and this is something that I don't need to. I grew up in between 8 and 9 mile roads in Detroit. Not a great neighbor hood even back then. I was abused growing up in all its forms. I struggled through school, never successfully completeling college. BUT I never stopped reading. I knew there were librarys out their that are available to everyone. From the time my kids were little librarys had computers in them that could be used to search a variety of topics. I didnt just watch crap on tv. AND even more importantly if it didn't sound quite right I set about finding out why. Some people who grow up under difficult challanging circumstances CHOOSE not to let others or the system win!! If I had listened to anyone in my family, or even some of my teachers, I would NEVER have come to where I am now. (Which is a place I like by the way.)
It is for these reasons (and the Pith of the Matter by the way) that I will always stay optimistic about human nature. I am proof that not everyone ends up hating and being angry. I am proof that not everyone thinks that they dont have a choice. If you blame my circumstances, or my ability to adapt, and over come, on the color of my skin HOW does that make you any different then the people who you feel are keeping you down? Or as I like to look at it as enabling YOU to fail? Failure is not an option. We all have the abiltiy to know right from wrong. We all have the ability to teach ourselves the self confidence needed to over come. Notice the word is SELF confidence not someone elses confidence.
I fight for what I think is right, daily. I speak it, write it and live it. I will never advocate victimization in any shape or form. I will never support racism, or discrimination, against anyone for any reason. I will not support supremacy in any form. I truley beleive in the idea of equality. Does this mean that we are all the same? Of course not. It means that we all recognize that we are different and it is ok! I beleive that is possible, and I know many others who feel the same way. So say what you will to me. Throw it my way, put me to the test. I stand firm in my beliefs. Love and compassion towards all always.